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К истории христианства в Средней Азии

О христианстве в Средней Азии в первые века после Рождества Христова

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Крещение и общение Церквей


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Bonaventure and the Coincidence of Opposites

Bonaventure never intended to present to his students a philosopher's God, seen in isolation from the Christian Trinity. Rather Bonaventure's God is the God revealed by Jesus Christ, whose life is manifested in the diffusion of being, life and love - all springing from the plenitude of the Father. Out of his fountain-fulness, the Father expresses himself in one, unique Word, his own personal Word and Son. In generating his Son, the Father expresses all that he is and also all that he can make and do. From the mutual and ineffable love of the Father and the Son there proceeds the Holy Spirit. Thus for Bonaventure, the Trinity is the mystery of God's dynamic fecundity, his eternal self-diffusion that issues in the divine persons, who are united in the most intimate mutuality. This Trinitarian mystery reveals a dynamic inner logic of the coincidence of opposites which, according to Professor Cousins, is the source and archetype of all other forms of the coincidence of opposites in Bonaventure's system.

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Автор : Ewert H. Cousins

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Автор : Fernandez Carvajal

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Автор : Francisco F. Carvajal

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